
Time average quantities. Parameterised with

  1. nsteps — accumulate the average every nsteps time steps:


  2. dt-out — write to disk every dt-out time units:


  3. tstart — time at which to start accumulating average data:


  4. mode — output file accumulation mode:

    continuous | windowed

    In continuous mode each output file contains average data from tstart up until the time at which the file is written. In windowed mode each output file only contains average data for the preceding dt-out time units. The default is windowed. Average data files obtained using the windowed mode can be accumulated after-the-fact using the CLI.

  5. std-mode — standard deviation reporting mode:

    summary | all

    If to output full standard deviation fields or just summary statistics. In lieu of a complete field, summary instead reports the maximum and average standard deviation for each field. The default is summary with all doubling the size of the resulting files.

  6. basedir — relative path to directory where outputs will be written:


  7. basename — pattern of output names:


  8. precision — output file number precision:

    single | double

    The default is single. Note that this only impacts the output, with statistic accumulation always being performed in double precision.

  9. region — region to be written, specified as either the entire domain using *, a combination of the geometric shapes specified in Regions, or a sub-region of elements that have faces on a specific domain boundary via the name of the domain boundary:

    * | shape(args, ...) | string

  10. avg-name — expression to time average, written as a function of the primitive variables and gradients thereof; multiple expressions, each with their own name, may be specified:


  11. fun-avg-name — expression to compute at file output time, written as a function of any ordinary average terms; multiple expressions, each with their own name, may be specified:



nsteps = 10
dt-out = 2.0
mode = windowed
basedir = .
basename = files-{t:06.2f}

avg-u = u
avg-v = v
avg-uu = u*u
avg-vv = v*v
avg-uv = u*v

fun-avg-upup = uu - u*u
fun-avg-vpvp = vv - v*v
fun-avg-upvp = uv - u*v

This plugin also exposes functionality via a CLI. The following functions are available

  1. pyfr tavg merge — average together multiple time average files into a single time average file. The averaging times are read from the file and do not need to be evenly spaced in time.


    pyfr tavg merge avg-1.00.pyfrs avg-2.00.pyfrs avg-10.00.pyfrs merged_avg.pyfrs