
Test cases are available in the PyFR-Test-Cases repository. It is important to note, however, that these examples are all relatively small 2D/3D simulations and, as such, are not suitable for scalability or performance studies.

Euler Equations

2D Euler Vortex

Proceed with the following steps to run a parallel 2D Euler vortex simulation on a structured mesh:

  1. Navigate to the PyFR-Test-Cases/2d-euler-vortex directory:

    cd PyFR-Test-Cases/2d-euler-vortex
  2. Run pyfr to convert the Gmsh mesh file into a PyFR mesh file called euler-vortex.pyfrm:

    pyfr import euler-vortex.msh euler-vortex.pyfrm
  3. Run pyfr to partition the PyFR mesh file into two pieces:

    pyfr partition 2 euler-vortex.pyfrm .
  4. Run pyfr to solve the Euler equations on the mesh, generating a series of PyFR solution files called euler-vortex*.pyfrs:

    mpiexec -n 2 pyfr -p run -b cuda euler-vortex.pyfrm euler-vortex.ini
  5. Run pyfr on the solution file euler-vortex-100.0.pyfrs converting it into an unstructured VTK file called euler-vortex-100.0.vtu:

    pyfr export euler-vortex.pyfrm euler-vortex-100.0.pyfrs euler-vortex-100.0.vtu
  6. Visualise the unstructured VTK file in Paraview

euler vortex

Colour map of density distribution at 100 time units.

2D Double Mach Reflection

Proceed with the following steps to run a serial 2D double Mach reflection simulation on a structured mesh:

  1. Navigate to the PyFR-Test-Cases/2d-double-mach-reflection directory:

    cd PyFR-Test-Cases/2d-double-mach-reflection
  2. Unzip the Gmsh mesh file file and run pyfr to covert it into a PyFR mesh file called double-mach-reflection.pyfrm:

    unxz double-mach-reflection.msh.xz
    pyfr import double-mach-reflection.msh double-mach-reflection.pyfrm
  3. Run pyfr to solve the compressible Euler equations on the mesh, generating a series of PyFR solution files called double-mach-reflection-*.pyfrs:

    pyfr -p run -b cuda double-mach-reflection.pyfrm double-mach-reflection.ini
  4. Run pyfr on the solution file double-mach-reflection-0.20.pyfrs converting it into an unstructured VTK file called double-mach-reflection-0.20.vtu:

    pyfr export double-mach-reflection.pyfrm double-mach-reflection-0.20.pyfrs double-mach-reflection-0.20.vtu
  5. Visualise the unstructured VTK file in Paraview

double mach

Colour map of density distribution at 0.2 time units.