
Use Ffowcs Williams–Hawkings equation to approximate far field noise in a uniformly moving medium:

  1. tstart — time at which to start sampling, default is 0:


  2. dt — time step between samples:


  3. file — output file path; should the file already exist it will be appended to:


  4. header — if to output a header row or not:


  5. surface — a region the surface of which is saple for the FWH sovler, only use a combination of the geometric shapes specified in Regions:

    shape(args, ...)

  6. quad-deg — degree of surface quadrature rule (optional):


  7. quad-pts-{etype} — name of surface quadrature rule (optional):


  8. observer-pts — the obversation point in the far field at which noise is approximated:

    [(x, y), (x, y), ...] | [(x, y, z), (x, y, z), ...]

  9. rho, u, v, (w), p, (c) — the constant far field properties of the flow. For incompressible calculations the sound speed c and the dnsity rho must be given:



file = fwh.csv
region = box((1, -5), (10, 5))
header = true
tstart = 10
dt = 1e-2
observer-pts = [(1, 10), (1, 30), (1, 100), (1, 300)]

rho = 1
u = 1
v = 0
p = 10