Source code for pyfr.solvers.navstokes.inters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np

from pyfr.backends.base.kernels import MetaKernel
from pyfr.solvers.baseadvecdiff import (BaseAdvectionDiffusionBCInters,

class TplargsMixin(object):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        rsolver = self.cfg.get('solver-interfaces', 'riemann-solver')
        visc_corr = self.cfg.get('solver', 'viscosity-correction')
        shock_capturing = self.cfg.get('solver', 'shock-capturing')
        self._tplargs = dict(ndims=self.ndims, nvars=self.nvars,
                             rsolver=rsolver, visc_corr=visc_corr,
                             shock_capturing=shock_capturing, c=self.c)

class NavierStokesBaseBCInters(TplargsMixin, BaseAdvectionDiffusionBCInters):
    cflux_state = None

    def __init__(self, be, lhs, elemap, cfgsect, cfg):
        super().__init__(be, lhs, elemap, cfgsect, cfg)

        # Additional BC specific template arguments
        self._tplargs['bctype'] = self.type
        self._tplargs['bccfluxstate'] = self.cflux_state


        self.kernels['con_u'] = lambda: be.kernel(
            'bcconu', tplargs=self._tplargs, dims=[self.ninterfpts],
            extrns=self._external_args, ulin=self._scal_lhs,
            ulout=self._vect_lhs, nlin=self._norm_pnorm_lhs,
        self.kernels['comm_flux'] = lambda: be.kernel(
            'bccflux', tplargs=self._tplargs, dims=[self.ninterfpts],
            extrns=self._external_args, ul=self._scal_lhs,
            gradul=self._vect_lhs, magnl=self._mag_pnorm_lhs,
            nl=self._norm_pnorm_lhs, artviscl=self._artvisc_lhs,

class NavierStokesNoSlpIsotWallBCInters(NavierStokesBaseBCInters):
    type = 'no-slp-isot-wall'
    cflux_state = 'ghost'

    def __init__(self, be, lhs, elemap, cfgsect, cfg):
        super().__init__(be, lhs, elemap, cfgsect, cfg)

        self.c['cpTw'], = self._eval_opts(['cpTw'])
        self.c |= self._exp_opts('uvw'[:self.ndims], lhs,
                                 default={'u': 0, 'v': 0, 'w': 0})

class NavierStokesNoSlpAdiaWallBCInters(NavierStokesBaseBCInters):
    type = 'no-slp-adia-wall'
    cflux_state = 'ghost'

class NavierStokesSlpAdiaWallBCInters(NavierStokesBaseBCInters):
    type = 'slp-adia-wall'
    cflux_state = None

class NavierStokesCharRiemInvBCInters(NavierStokesBaseBCInters):
    type = 'char-riem-inv'
    cflux_state = 'ghost'

    def __init__(self, be, lhs, elemap, cfgsect, cfg):
        super().__init__(be, lhs, elemap, cfgsect, cfg)

        self.c |= self._exp_opts(
            ['rho', 'p', 'u', 'v', 'w'][:self.ndims + 2], lhs

class NavierStokesSupInflowBCInters(NavierStokesBaseBCInters):
    type = 'sup-in-fa'
    cflux_state = 'ghost'

    def __init__(self, be, lhs, elemap, cfgsect, cfg):
        super().__init__(be, lhs, elemap, cfgsect, cfg)

        self.c |= self._exp_opts(
            ['rho', 'p', 'u', 'v', 'w'][:self.ndims + 2], lhs

class NavierStokesSupOutflowBCInters(NavierStokesBaseBCInters):
    type = 'sup-out-fn'
    cflux_state = 'ghost'

class NavierStokesSubInflowFrvBCInters(NavierStokesBaseBCInters):
    type = 'sub-in-frv'
    cflux_state = 'ghost'

    def __init__(self, be, lhs, elemap, cfgsect, cfg):
        super().__init__(be, lhs, elemap, cfgsect, cfg)

        self.c |= self._exp_opts(
            ['rho', 'u', 'v', 'w'][:self.ndims + 1], lhs,
            default={'u': 0, 'v': 0, 'w': 0}

class NavierStokesSubInflowFtpttangBCInters(NavierStokesBaseBCInters):
    type = 'sub-in-ftpttang'
    cflux_state = 'ghost'

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        gamma = self.cfg.getfloat('constants', 'gamma')

        # Pass boundary constants to the backend
        self.c['cpTt'], = self._eval_opts(['cpTt'])
        self.c['pt'], = self._eval_opts(['pt'])
        self.c['Rdcp'] = (gamma - 1.0)/gamma

        # Calculate u, v velocity components from the inflow angle
        theta = self._eval_opts(['theta'])[0]*np.pi/180.0
        velcomps = np.array([np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta), 1.0])

        # Adjust u, v and calculate w velocity components for 3-D
        if self.ndims == 3:
            phi = self._eval_opts(['phi'])[0]*np.pi/180.0
            velcomps[:2] *= np.sin(phi)
            velcomps[2] *= np.cos(phi)

        self.c['vc'] = velcomps[:self.ndims]

class NavierStokesSubOutflowBCInters(NavierStokesBaseBCInters):
    type = 'sub-out-fp'
    cflux_state = 'ghost'

    def __init__(self, be, lhs, elemap, cfgsect, cfg):
        super().__init__(be, lhs, elemap, cfgsect, cfg)

        self.c |= self._exp_opts(['p'], lhs)